Archive for the 'Rant' Category

Blog The First Draft

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

MarsEdit users sometimes sheepishly admit that they aren’t blogging as much as they “should” be. Excuses vary, but it usually boils down to the classic issue afflicting all of us who try to stick to a productive routine: we simply fall out of the habit. Long time readers of this blog will note that I’ve […]

Don’t Coddle Your Code

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

Jeff LaMarche presents a rundown on whether Objective-C dealloc implementations should bother nil’ing out an instance variable after releasing it. LaMarche offers a fairly balanced presentation of the two sides, but in my opinion he gives too much credibility to the argument that nil’ing is a good idea. He essentially embraces the argument that nil’ing […]

Surviving Success

Monday, July 19th, 2010

Apple is taking a beating, even while at its most victorious. After the launch of the iPhone 4, a well-designed device with one easily-demonstrable flaw, the company is losing its famous control over the emphasis of press coverage. Apple is typically brilliant at walking the line between humility and pomposity, adjusting its tone to suit […]

Elements Of Twitter Style

Friday, April 23rd, 2010

Twitter has become hugely popular and is only getting bigger. Some users don’t understand that the formatting and content of their tweets has a huge impact on how well or poorly they are received as individuals, and by extension, how likely they are to be followed. I participate extensively on Twitter with my personal account: […]